Saturday, April 18, 2020

Gold Bull Market Has Awaken

Gold Bull Market Has Awakened

In Seeking Alpha's April 15th article, the heading "The Long Term Bull Market Has Awaken", they are referring to the Gold market.

Indeed when looking at the gold chart, we can see that the gold price started the trend in May 2019 when the US and China was in the midst of US-China trade war.

Gold price seemed to perform well when there is war threat or political instability.

The late 1970s saw many upheavals, including the Iranian Revolution in 1978, the Iran-Iraq war in 1979, the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979, and the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979. Gold prices rose 23% in 1977, 37% in 1978, and an incredible 126% in 1979.

During the first Gulf War, when Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, gold prices soared again. However, soon after the war was over, gold prices continued to soften, and by the end of 1991, they had reached almost the level they were at pre-invasion.

In addition,  interest rate also affect the gold price. Since August 2019, the US Federal Reserve Bank has been lowering their interest rate which may reduce the value of US dollar, pushing gold price higher (because gold is denominated in US dollars). Other factors such as the poor performance in the equity market will make investors turn to gold as safe haven too.

If you are the type of investors that invest with trend, below is the survey done by Kitco to gauge the investors' sentiments towards gold. Majority are bullish in the gold market especially the general market participants from the main street.

Below are some investments in gold that you might be intereste:

Unit Trust:
1. RHB Gold and General Fund
2. RHB GOld Fund
3. UOB United Golden Opportunity Fund

 1. GraniteShares Gold Trust (BAR)
2.  Aberdeen Standard Physical Swiss Gold Shares ETF (SGOL),
3.  iShares Gold Trust (IAU)
4. SPDR Gold Shares (GLD)

If you would like to add more to the above list, kindly add at below's comment. It would be helpful to readers.


Books by Pauline Yong :
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