Saturday, December 19, 2020

Trading With Fibonacci

Fibonacci retracements are often used as part of a trending strategy. In this scenario, traders observe a retracement taking place within a trend and try to make low-risk entries in the direction of the initial trend using Fibonacci levels. Traders using this strategy anticipate that a price has a high probability of bouncing from the Fibonacci levels back in the direction of the initial trend.

The following is the recorded webinar on how to trade with Fibonacci in Chinese.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Top 5 Consumer Non Cyclical Stocks Under RM5


Non-cyclical stocks repeatedly outperform the market when economic growth slows. Non-cyclical securities are generally profitable regardless of economic trends because they produce or distribute goods and services we always need, including things like food, power, water, and gas.

Is Stock Investment A Passive Income or Active Income ?


Many people say property and share investments are sources of passive income. Well, yes and no! No doubt, if you are a value investor that practices long term hold strategy, you may not sell your share until 5 or 10 years later. Hence, you get dividends and capital appreciation during the holding period, and yes that’s passive income. However, as an investor, before we buy any investment, be it properties or shares, we need to “actively” searching for the relevant information available to us, and to scan for any fundamental problem for the particular investment that we are buying, as there must be a reason why a certain investment is too cheap.  

 There are many sources of information available in the stock investing business. One good source is the analyst report. Analyst reports are generally written to offer to investors as to whether to invest in specific companies or industry sectors.

Reports may focus on recent financials and their expected share price movements. Valuable insights are provided when analysts write about the current and future outlook for the state of the industry, based not only on financials, but on interviews with top management, a review of peer performance and macro/micro economic indicators, among other inputss.

Our stock market is very much driven by so called “investment themes”. During the covid pandemic, investment theme surrounding the health care and technology sectors took off. Now the investment theme seemed to have shifted towards vaccine and "opening up" sectors. If you have caught the right trend, you would see your portfolio shine like a diamond! Hence, we must breathe the same air as other market participants, but don’t follow the trend blindly. Stay objective and try to make decisions based on probabilities and reasons.

Hence, from today onwards, give yourself some time to read the analyst reports every week, it doesn’t matter how much you can absorbed, at least by browsing through them will give you some investment ideas.

 Happy investing,